Friday, October 29, 2010

Art Meets Dentisry... Sort Of

This is a piece I did during an Art Jam activity last week, and which I'm submitting for the Annual Vending Machine Show. I thought to myself "Hey, why don't I draw something about a dentist?" How it turned out creepy from there I'm not sure. Maybe it's just that time of year.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Caught (Like Father, Like Son)

These two pieces, which actually sit atop each other similar to what you see, were my submission into BYU's Nature and Nurture: Narratives of the Family Student Juried Show. I won't explain anything else about them. The message should be fairly readable.

I will admit that the color is a little off between the two, but these were photos taken after it was framed, so whatya gonna do?

Special thanks to my sister, Beth Summers for taking the reference photos I needed, and to her husband, Brad, and son, Will, for being my models. You are now immortalized in art. So you're welcome.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Guess What? Even More Figure Drawings!

So what makes these drawings different from past ones? Two things--first, this is from the Advanced Life Drawing class (meaning I passed Intermediate Life Drawing... huzzah!). Second, these mark my first foray into the medium of NuPastel. It's a lot smoother and versatile than the Conté crayons I was using from before.

Also, I ought to point out that although all three drawings look as if they are based off one single pose and one model from different viewpoints, they are in fact different people in different poses at different times. Honest. You'll have to take my word for it.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

More Figure Drawings

Including disembodied hands and head!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Figure Drawings

In no particular order, here are my favorite studies from my Intermediate Life Drawing course.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Alice in Wonderland

Everyone in the class was to spend a month adapting Lewis Carroll's masterpiece of literary nonsense with their own style.

Some chose to do a series of finished paintings, while most compiled what's referred to in the industry as a dummy book--16 pages of nearly complete pencil illustrations indicative of the final product. From there we selected one page or spread to take to a final piece.

I'd like to think the scene speaks as to which part of the story is being told. Oh, and just as an FYI, my version of the story occurs in space...

ink, acrylics

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Line and Wash

The assignment was to present a unique take on the phrase or idea "what sort of things do we grow or keep in the secret garden of our heart?" Not sure where they got that one, but anyway...

This was done with ink and dipped brush followed with a series of washes. And yes, those are real razor blades (I'd been harvesting used x-acto knife blades for weeks in preparation for an opportunity where I could use them).

I think I'll call it pricked.

acrylic ink, acrylic wash

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Abstract Word

We were given a list of words, and told to choose one to illustrate in an original way. My word originally started out as "invisible," and the image you see below was supposed to be a more subtle, intelligent way of describing that.

But when class critiques came around, most people took it to be the word "flat" (one of the other words we could have chosen to illustrate). As it turned out, the word fit my illustration much better, so I retroactively adopted it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Visual Cliché

The word or cliché I chose was "Piggy Bank." The assignment was to either reinvent or redefine the cliché with an original piece. Hopefully, the new idea is communicated quickly and effectively enough to the viewer (this is where you try to get what I'm saying).

acrylic, hair (seriously)

Acrylic Painting -- Introductory Studies

acrylic (various techniques)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Poster Design--Richard III

Do you know the classic tale of England's King Richard III as told by Shakespeare? No? Well, many people don't actually (even though it is purportedly his most popular play). Essentially it's about how through manipulation and greed, one can both gain everything and lose everything (the "one" here being the ol' king himself).

pen and ink

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Book Cover Redo

We were asked to take an existing book and come up with a new book jacket. The styles and specifications were pretty open, so I elected to go back to scratchboard, something I haven't done since high school. I actually decided to use this approach before I picked the book I wanted to do.

As you can hopefully tell from looking at the image, the book I chose is Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book, which is essentially a twist on the classic Jungle Book story. Although I own and love the book, the cover always irked me a bit. I liked the colors and everything (although the artist's style without and within the book were a tad out there for my tastes), but I just didn't think it communicated the idea of the book as as whole. So with that in mind, I tried thinking of the best--or at least a more effective--way of giving the viewer a glimpse of what's inside...

*[Keep in mind that this image is actually for the entire jacket, meaning it's intended to be wrapped around from front to back.]

Of course it was only after I was close to finishing that my brother pointed out some of the original cover's subtlety (i.e. there's actually a boy's profile in the shadow running up against the gravestone), making my version close to moot. Whatever.

Original Cover Art by Dave McKean